Enable Inspiring Leadership

Develop authentic leadership that drives impactful connection and builds trust.

Today’s leaders need to inspire trust in a constantly changing world, and trust is built when leaders show up authentically.

At the Core Story, our legacy spans over a decade of helping leaders build connection and inspire their people. Our Human Centred Leadership and Storytelling suite of tools and frameworks empower your leaders and future proof your business.

What will this solution do for you and your business?

  • Empowers your leaders to bring focus and clarity to your business
  • Creates influential leadership that successfully bring teams on a change journey
  • Builds better strategic relationships and trust between stakeholders
  • Enhances your leaders’ visibility and personal brands
  • Creates a team of leaders who are adept at telling your corporate story



We upskill your leaders to champion your strategy authentically. By leveraging story-driven methods, we cultivate a collaborative culture, setting the stage for enduring change.

Our strategists, coaches and performing artists use techniques to enable participants to enhance their personal presence, deliver with impact and create a strong emotional connection building trusted relationships.


At the Core Story, our legacy spans over a decade of helping leaders like you, earn trust and inspire your people around your vision. Contact us.

Click here to view our current list of programmes.


WHO? Wilson Hartnell (WH) is the largest, and one of the longest established, communications agencies in Ireland. The company is proud of its reputation for delivering best-in-class work to national and international clients, such as Diageo. 

WHY? Wilson Hartnell approached us because they wanted to define a new strategy for growth in a disrupted market, a market in which the role of agencies was changing rapidly. They wanted to identify a point of difference that was relevant to market needs, while loyal to who they are. 

WHAT? We used The Core Story™ process to help them discover a new strategy: that was authentic to the business and its heritage; that motivated the team; and was driven by defining the market, as much as looking at what customers’ needs were. 

RESULT: In the process we uncovered the fact that Wilson Hartnell had made many unsung contributions and supports to the arts and other cultural endeavours. Activities that demonstrated their contribution to society went beyond the balance sheet. As a result, the strategy they adopted was that of ‘The No. 1 Cultural Agency’. This approach has helped consolidate their leadership position in the market and led quickly to new business wins.


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