We are all born with a unique voice. Over time this voice can become lost as we follow our need to conform to the situations and groups we find ourselves in.
By behaving ‘appropriately’ in these situations, we lose the habit of being our authentic selves. The question is? How can we make authentic connections if we are not in touch with our authentic selves? This module guides you on your journey to find your unique, authentic voice, experiencing it and exploring its power, leaving you with a renewed ability to connect with those you want to reach. The course is made up of 4 session one hour each.
Skills you will acquire
- You will develop an understanding of the intrinsic value of your authentic voice and how, with it, you can have a unique impact on an audience.
- You will uncover your authentic voice and your leadership story. This will bring clarity, alignment and authenticity to your leadership and give leadership development impetus.
- You will have a greater understanding of your unique perspective and greater clarity around what it is you want to say.
- Through being challenged, you will learn to think differently and you’ll be invigorated by new clarity, alignment and authenticity you will receive.
- You will find, experience and refine your authentic voice.
- You will develop the ability to write and tell stories with genuine elements of yourself in them, giving them greater sincerity and truth.
Who is it for?
- Public speakers who want to give their audiences amazing experiences.
- Leaders who want to engage a specific audience around a change or a strategy.
- Executives who want to connect with their potential customers and set their offering apart from its competitors.
- Leaders who want to use public speaking to promote their business.
The Coaching Journey (5 x 60 minutes sessions)
- The Power of Authentic Voice and Story
- Understanding how you impact others
- How you see the world
- Establishing your authentic voice